Getting to know PCB terminal blocks : function, material and sizes

06 Nov.,2023


There are several different types of PCB terminal blocks, each with unique characteristics and uses.

One type is the screw terminal block, which uses screws to clamp down on the wires and hold them in place.

Another type is the spring terminal block, which uses a spring mechanism to secure the wires.

A third type is the insulation displacement terminal block, which uses a sharp metal blade to pierce the wire insulation and make contact with the wire conductor.

Other types of terminal blocks include the barrier strip terminal block, which has a plastic barrier to prevent accidental short circuits, and the pluggable terminal block, which allows for easy removal and replacement of wires without the need for tools. Each type of terminal block has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of which type to use will depend on the specific requirements of the application.

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