10 States in the US Will Allow Tiny House Containers in 2023

06 May.,2024


10 States in the US Will Allow Tiny House Containers in 2023

As housing prices are on the rise in the US, people are seeking alternative dwelling solutions like tiny houses, camper vans, mobile homes, and container houses. At TinyHouseMe, you connect with more than 100 tiny home builders across US and Canada. The tiny house container structures showcased on our platform are competitively priced and available directly from the builder. However, before you move ahead, you must determine whether you can have a tiny house container in your state.

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Can you live in a container home in your state?

Legally tiny houses and container homes are allowed in every state in the US, but there are many details to observe at a regulatory level. First, there are a bunch of building codes. You should abide by zoning requirements and permissions to make the structure official. Every county, city, and town have its own set of rules and regulations, but at a glance, there are a few basic things that you need to maintain.

  • Zoning code:

    The rules are city-specific and determine the use of land and the kind of structure that can be placed in the area. This is important for separating residential and industrial zones by maintaining zoning codes and regulations.

  • Building codes and permits:

    This doesn’t only ensure legalizing the building of a container home but also defines the rules for any structure that will be placed on the property. The international Building Codes and the International Residential codes govern the local building codes in the US. The codes are different for mobile homes and modular structures, and the tiny houses need to be manufactured as per federal construction and safety standards.

  • Homeowner association:

    The rules and regulations of HOA outline certain requirements that you need to maintain in the specific area.

Considering these statutory regulations, building codes, and restrictions pertaining to specific territories, some states in the US do allow tiny house container structures.

10 states that allow container homes:


It is one of the best states for tiny homes and container houses. Major cities like Fort Worth and Austin easily approve of building tiny house container structures. However, getting approval in rural and suburban areas is easier as there is plenty of space to live in a spacious tiny house container. Interestingly, Houston has no zoning laws within its city limits, but building rules are stricter in this region, which makes an off-grid lifestyle a better choice.


Being a progressive state, California is more open-minded to tiny houses, and it’s easier to live legally in a container home here. A iny house container is a residential unit or ADU in California, but it’s better to have the structure in the north and inland regions of the state. 

ADUs are additional dwelling units and are like detached single-family houses. It is an addition to the property as a primary living space and is commonly called in-law suites, granny flats, secondary suites, backyard cottages, and accessory apartments.


State-wise, there are neutral zoning laws in Louisiana that are intended to support better housing variety and diversity. Because of this, you can expect no governmental interference for your tiny house project in Louisiana. In addition, this state has no minimum wage, and it has been ranked as one of the topmost states in the USA for land freedom options. 


Container homes are legal in Oregon, but the only restriction is that you might have to plan to live in this structure and design it as a single-family unit. However, if you are willing to purchase land, container homes are a great fit in this region. The state is quite progressive, and with no external interference, the alternative construction is a viable solution to many.


The local zoning codes in Missouri view container homes as a great alternative to affordable housing. As a result, many tiny home dwellers in this state start living without acquiring a permit. The weather has warm summers and mild winters, which makes living in container homes comfortable. With this kind of weather, you do not have to spend much on insulting the tiny home, which again cuts costs when you build a container home.


No clear state-wide rules can prevent you from having a container home in Florida. However, you must have a permit and abide by certain regulations in your area before buying a container home from a trusted buyer. Although you can have a tiny house container in Florida, you must talk to the relevant authorities to get the permits and approval.


Alaska has a low population, yet the terrain is expensive. However, the place is great for container homes as Alaska favors low-cost alternative housing, and you will find plenty of them in different parts of the state.


As long as the container homes comply with the building codes and you have a permit from the local authorities, this state will not have a problem. However, it’s advisable to check the zoning codes and building regulations before building the structure. The good news is that most building rules are liberal, and the government supports tiny house projects in the state. 


Compared to other states, the laws in Massachusetts are relaxed and have a system of its own. It is a tiny home-friendly state and welcomes innovative design ideas for container homes.


Mississippi is a great location if you want a container home near the coastal area. The towns have great localities for building your container home, but you must check the government’s website before starting the project. However, Mississippi allows container homes, so we have kept it on the list.


Final Thoughts

Now that you have the list of states allowing container homes in 2023, the only thing left is to get started with buying a tiny house container. At TinyHouseMe, we have experts that will help you discuss the cost of the container home and also help you to finance the project. In addition, we showcase the most beautiful and functional container homes on our platform and help you connect with established and trusted builders across US and Canada. 


Container Home Building Codes & Permits

As you become more familiar with container homes, it’s natural to start to ask questions about their legality and the steps to get approval for building them. In most cases, you can’t just build a container home anywhere you want and there is a lot of confusion out there on what rules apply and how to get started. 

Oftentimes, people are asking the wrong question.  Instead of “Are containers legal in my location?”, you should ask, “What rules exist that could potentially affect a shipping container home, what parts of my design might those rules affect, and who makes those rules in my area so I can find out more about compliance?”

Understanding this article

In writing this article, we aim to help you answer the question above. You have to start by acknowledging that regulations, permits, and codes surrounding container building is a complicated topic. It is impossible to sum it up simply because different areas have their own set of rules, building permit requirements, zoning requirements, and more.

Therefore, our goal here is to examine the types of regulations that surround storage container development and provide as much detail as we can when possible. Usually, to get the true scope of the rules in your own area, it is necessary to know how to do the research yourself, which we will help you prepare to do.

By providing you with a basic guide to understanding how regulations apply to this type of building, we hope to arm you with the tools to ensure that you are always operating legally, with your local authorities and beyond. It’s not only the right thing to do, but it will also save you time and money in the long run.

Everything we discuss here is based on where you build your project. And ultimately, where to build has a lot to do with you as the owner.

When people ask us where we recommend for them to build a shipping container home, they are leaving out the information about themselves and their personal preferences. A perfect location for one person might be terrible for someone else.  With that said, there are still factors that are applicable to everyone.

We’ll approach the subject of regulations by clarifying the scope of what is regulated, then breaking the rules down into three sections: How, What, and Who.

  • How: The different types of building regulations and how they can impact your container house project
  • What: The specific container home design choices that are commonly regulated
  • Who: The various regulating entities you may have to deal with 

After that, we’ll touch on the future of container building regulation, talk about best practices for getting started, and give a few thoughts on US states that may be especially good candidates for shipping container homes.

Scope of Shipping Container Building Regulations

Before we dive into details about the regulations, it’s important to understand the scope of things to which the regulations may apply.  Although the primary focus here is on container homes, there are quite a few people just planning to use containers for temporary or permanent storage.

Storage Containers

It’s fairly common for people to enquire about having a shipping container on their property as they do make an excellent place to store things. And when we say storage containers, we’re talking about a shipping container used for storage of tools, materials, or equipment and NOT for occupation by humans.  Since containers used for storage aren’t designed for habitation, they typically fall under a different set of rules.

It’s important to know that there may still be regulations that apply to you for this type of cargo container usage, even though it’s not set up for habitation. The procedures discussed later in the article should still apply.

Container Homes

The term ‘container home’ is surprisingly open-ended and can mean different things to different people. You may have even encountered this when describing your interest in container homes to friends and family.

Some people picture something similar to a simple cabin, while others envision a custom-built architectural masterpiece. For right now, we don’t really have universally agreed-upon terminology to describe these differences, which leads to confusion.

Imagine if a friend tells you that they’re thinking about getting a cat, then the next time you see them, they have a full-grown tiger! You’re likely going to be surprised and terrified because what you pictured when hearing ‘cat’ was not the same thing that your friend pictured.

Why is this important? When we start talking about regulations, first impressions are important as they anchor someone’s thinking around a topic and they can be difficult to overcome. When you first mention that you’re planning to build a container home, you want the person on the other side of the table (or the other end of the phone) to have a clear vision of what you’re talking about.

So if it’s clear that you need to be specific when communicating about your container, you may be wondering what potential ways you could describe it. In addition to size as we spoke about above, another factor is occupancy.  For instance, will the home be a primary dwelling, a weekend home, a short term rental, or something in between?

The planned usage and occupancy can affect which regulations apply, so it’s important to discuss all of these factors when describing your plans to regulators.

Types of Building Regulations You Might Encounter

Regulation is actually an umbrella term that covers a few different types of rules that can affect shipping container houses. Collectively they determine both what you can build and where you can build it, but it’s important to understand how each of them can impact your project.

Property Zoning

Zoning breaks up large swaths of urban land into different types of zones that determine, at a high level, the types of things can be built there.  Zoning is used by city governments to plan the growth and development of a city in advance in order to keep similar types of buildings grouped together and control density (think houses versus highrises). 

If you’ve ever noticed how some cities have industrial areas that are contained in one area, or that ‘adult stores’ and liquor stores are usually not located near residential neighborhoods and churches, you’ve observed the effects of zoning.

Other than the notable exception of Houston, Texas, most American cities have zoning laws, though they are less common in other countries. Typically, zones are broken into categories like residential and commercial, then further subdivided from that.  For example, here’s the R-1 through R-5 residential zoning that applies in Tallahassee, Florida.

The zoning of a property can be changed through rezoning or variances, but doing so would require robust documentation and potentially the buy-in of neighbors.  Zoning changes usually face pressure because existing property holders don’t want to see their property values decline.

Building Codes and Permits

The next type of common shipping container regulation is building codes and permits.  Building codes stipulate the standards of construction that will be applied, meaning how homes are to be built. Building permits are what you typically apply for to prove your compliance with applicable building codes and gain approval to continue construction activities.

In the US and several other developed countries, most codes are based on the International Code Counsel’s International Residential Code (IRC) and International Building Code (IBC). These codes are updated every year or two, with the version denoted by the year it was published.

The IBC and IRC incorporate related codes by reference such as the International Plumbing Code, the International Mechanical Code, the National Electric Code, and the National Fire Protection Association standards. In turn, most cities incorporate the IBC and IRC into their own codes with occasional amendments.

Some US states have their own codes as well, such as the Massachusetts State Building Code.  A great place to see which codes are used in which state (and city) is the ConstructConnect Building Code Tool. Other countries have their own types of code requirements, which are diverse enough that we can’t go into any specifics here.

In order to get approved permits for shipping container homes, you need to prove, via your permit application, that you’ve complied with the applicable building codes and possibly other regulations.

As you’re probably starting to understand, these rules vary quite widely from place to place. But what applies to someone else doesn’t really matter, you just need to be concerned with the regulations that pertain to your own area.

Finding and understanding these rules before you begin construction is the most important part of this message. If you are in doubt, consulting a professional like an architect or general contractor in your area might be a good idea.

The last thing you want to do is ignore the rules, as doing so will certainly be at your peril. Depending on the case, you could end up with penalties, additional fees, stopped work, or even orders to tear down and start over. 

Playing by the rules is usually the best option. We know it’s hard to play by rules when you can’t figure out what the rules are, and that’s why we’ve written this article! 

Remember that while some of the rules you’ll encounter have to do with appearances, a lot of them are related to having a safe and healthy home. That’s undoubtedly something you want as well, so try to keep the intentions of the rules in mind when the implementation of them becomes frustrating.

Mobile, Manufactured, and Modular Building Codes

The differences between mobile homes, manufactured homes, and modular (prefabricated) homes can be hard to distinguish.  However, since different building standards apply, it’s important to discern which is authoritative for a particular case and how that might relate to shipping container construction.

A manufactured home is a new name for what was originally called a mobile home.  The name was changed in 1976, but both names refer to homes mounted on a permanent trailer chassis.

These homes are covered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (commonly known as the HUD code). This code is the only federally-regulated national building code in the US, and it applies to homes that are built entirely in a factory and shipped to the building site on a permanent chassis for installation. 

Modular homes (in which building modules are built in a factory, then transported to the site and assembled on a permanent foundation) usually fall under the IBC, not the HUD code.

Recreational Vehicles (RV’s) are similar to manufactured homes but are exempted by federal law in §3282.8(g) and instead fall under the RV Industry Association’s (RVIA) Standards.

We mention all of this because there is some confusion about which category certain container homes fall under. For instance, there are container home builders that sell both 20-foot and 40-foot container homes permanently mounted on a trailer chassis. 

In the US, the regulations have been lagging behind both the tiny home and container home movements (which do have some overlap), but in January 2019 HUD released some clarifying guidance. Basically, the builder of a home-on-a-trailer-chassis can choose whether the home is intended for part-time recreational use or full-time occupancy, and that, along with some size restrictions, will determine whether RV or HUD codes are appropriate.

For the majority of container homes that are intended for installation on a permanent foundation, the IRC will apply just like for any other house. This is spelled out in this HUD FAQ which we’ll quote here:

I would like to convert shipping containers into homes. Can they be listed or sold as manufactured housing?

All manufactured homes are built to the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, 24 CFR Part 3280. Manufactured homes are transported in one or more sections on a permanent chassis and display a red certification label on the exterior of each transportable section.

Shipping containers that are converted into housing units are subject to state and local building codes like modular and site-built homes. Converted shipping containers cannot be accepted as a HUD-code manufactured home unless they are provided with a permanent chassis and are transported to the site on their own running gear and otherwise comply with all HUD Standards and Regulations for manufactured homes.

Deed Restrictions (Restrictive Covenants) and HOA Rules

So far, the regulations we’ve described have for the most part either been government-created or government-enforced.  However, there’s one last category of rules that we need to discuss.

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Deed restrictions (sometimes called Restrictive Covenants) are specific requirements that included on the deed for a property.  Typically, deed restrictions are added by the original developer of a land parcel to keep a uniform appearance for a neighborhood that protects property values. 

Deed restrictions are similar to and may coincide with, but aren’t the same as, homeowner’s association (HOA) rules. In short, deed restrictions are permanently fixed to the deed and usually take a court order to remove, while HOA rules can be voted on and changed at will.  

Although deed restrictions are placed on the property deed, they are private agreements and not directly enforced by the government. HOA’s are usually the entities that would attempt to enforce deed restrictions through the legal action in the court system, although individual nearby property owners could also do so.

Due to their private nature, deed restrictions can restrict almost anything about the property’s use as long as it’s legal. Common types include use restrictions, lease restrictions, and mandatory architectural reviews.

For these and other reasons, we recommend using a lawyer familiar with real estate transactions if there are any serious questions about deed restrictions on property you already own or are thinking about purchasing. Deed restrictions will be uncovered by the title company as part of the property purchasing process, and you’ll need to review these carefully for anything that might affect your container home project.

Common Container Home Items that Get Regulated

There is a ton of variability in who regulates what with regards to buildings. So rather than try to describe the specific regulatory practices of hundreds of different entities, we’ll start by listing the types of things that might get regulated in a shipping container home project and examples of each. 

Depending on where you live, all, some, or none of these would apply to you. And the rules may be from any combination of property zoning, building codes, restrictive covenants, and others.

  • Appearance: Color, style, and material used for walls, roof, and other externally viewable parts of the house
  • Accessibility: Requirements related to making your home accessible to people with disabilities
  • Size: Square footage, number of bedrooms, maximum allowable height, etc.
  • Site Offsets: Distance from the property line to the edge of the house, distance from neighboring structures, etc.
  • Foundation: Type of foundation, depth, height over ground level for flooding, etc.
  • Landscaping: Types of plants that are allowed, the number of trees that can be removed for construction, etc.
  • Means of Egress: Size and number of exterior exits, number of rooms that can be transited through before getting to an exterior exit, size of interior passageways, etc.
  • Fire and Smoke Protection: Number, type, and locations of smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, etc.
  • Electrical, Mechanical, and Plumbing: Details around materials, design, and installation of these systems
  • Energy Conservation: Specific requirements regarding things like windows, insulation, sealing around penetrations, appliances, etc. to reduce energy usage
  • Structure: Requirements for compliance with wind and snow loads, structural reinforcements, etc.

Once again, the applicability of these types of rules depends completely on where you live. It reiterates the importance of familiarizing yourself with the rules pertaining to your area. You simply can’t look at this problem strictly from a national or even state level. A localized approach to development is best as we discuss in the next section.

Regulating Entities

Each region of the United States (not to mention the rest of the world!) is different with regards to which level of government has jurisdiction. We can’t possibly discuss how every single piece of land is treated, so instead, we’ll discuss the different levels of government you may need to work with: municipal, county, state, and federal. Typically, the regulations from higher-order entities apply as well as those of the lowest level having jurisdiction.  For example, in a city, all four types of regulations would apply.

Municipal Government Regulation

When we say municipal government, we just mean cities and towns. They create rules that pertain to the land area within their bounds, but more rural areas may exist outside of city limits. Cities from time to time will annex new land into the city, but they typically will ‘grandfather in’ existing structures so you wouldn’t be required to comply with new regulations that didn’t apply to you when you originally built your container home.  However, it’s best to ask more about this when purchasing land to find out if there is a rumor of future annexation.

The majority of building codes and almost all zoning in the United States are enforced at the municipal level.

County Government Regulation

The county government is the next step up from municipalities. While many properties aren’t in a city, EVERY property in the United States is in a county.  Depending on how urban the county is, it may be more or less regulated with regards to building regulations. In other countries, there is usually something similar to a county to that subdivides a country into sub-regions.

State Government Regulation

In the United States, most state governments don’t have too much involvement in building regulations for the most part.  There are notable exceptions for things like hurricane requirements in Florida, earthquakes in California, etc. There are also a handful of states that have statewide building codes for uniformity, although your primary interface will still be at the local level.

Federal Government Regulation

Other than the HUD Code that was previously discussed for manufactured homes that include a trailer chassis, the US Federal Government doesn’t really have any building regulations.  In other countries, it’s possible that almost all regulations are made at the federal or national level.  

As you can see, the rules and restrictions tend to be more detailed and relevant on a local (municipal) level. You would be best served by working your way up from the bottom.

First familiarize yourself with the municipal guidelines in your area, before expanding your net to consider county, State, and Federal rules. While all of these are usually equally applicable, there will tend to be many more building codes and zoning requirements that effect you at the municipal level.

The Future of Shipping Container Homes Regulations

The growing popularity of container homes with consumers has also led to increasing familiarity on the part of regulating entities.  The more they see the spectrum of what’s possible with shipping container homes, the more accepting of them they will be.

One of the biggest needs is specifically incorporating container construction into applicable codes and regulations. Over the past few years, we’ve started to see that happening.

For instance, the ICC released its G5-2019 Guideline for the Safe Use of ISO Intermodal Shipping Containers Repurposed as Buildings and Building Components. This is a nonmandatory document that provides information and recommendations about using containers, and in some ways can be seen as a precursor to how containers will be covered in the forthcoming 2021 Edition of the IBC.

A related entity, the ICC-ES (evaluation service) also sells the AC462 Structural Building Materials From Shipping Containers. This document allows some professional container home builders to certify the containers they use have met certain qualifications, like the sizes and types of structural steel members used. This makes it easier for them to get code approval from local regulatory entities.

Most recently, the 2021 version of the IBC incorporates Shipping Container Construction into Chapter 31 Special Construction under Section 3115 Intermodal Shipping Containers.

As government entities start to incorporate these ICC codes in the years to come, the acceptance of container homes as a mainstream construction type will be much simpler. We expect additional revisions and additions to these codes as engineers, code officials, and members of the public become more familiar with this type of construction.

Until then, it may take a little more legwork to get the necessary approvals. In the meantime, more and more areas continue to open their arms to containers, and there are very few locations where container homes are unequivocally banned.

Getting Started

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed after reading about all the possible rules and who might enforce them, don’t worry. Below we’ll give you some tips to get started on the right foot and have a successful beginning to your project. Rest assured that in almost all cases, you’re not going to find something written down that just says “no container homes”. 

Instead, you’ll find rules that may cause you to have to alter the design of your future home.  That’s only the beginning of the story though, not the end!

You need to figure out which rules apply to you and your land. As we said before, we recommend starting at the lowest level and working your way up.

To be clear, this section isn’t meant as a guide to the rules that are applicable in your area. Instead, it’s more of a guide to finding the rules that are applicable in your area.

If you’ve ever had to navigate bureaucracy and legal research, you will know that simply understanding the rules can be the hardest part. Knowledge is power in these situations, so follow these steps to expand your knowledge and be secure that you are operating without fear of repercussions.

Navigating the Hierarchy

The first place to start is with deed restrictions on your property.  You may already have that information saved from your purchase, otherwise, you can work with a title company to locate it.

Next is the local government. You should know (or be able to find out) if your property is in the city limits.  If so, you’ll start with the city government.  If not, you’ll start with the county government. For cities, you’ll likely need to work with the zoning office AND the building permitting office. For counties, you’ll probably just have the building permitting office if anything.

In either case, you can probably find out some information online, but talking to a human being will be more effective. Bureaucracy can be tough to wade through, so it can help to have someone point you in the right direction. And it’s certainly possible that your first point of contact will be an advocate for you, giving you tips and tricks for future conversations that could be very valuable.

Note that every area will probably have slightly different names for these offices, but you should be able to figure it out by contacting the general administration office and explaining what you’re looking for. Don’t be intimidated and remember that most people do want to help you.

As we’ve already mentioned, all zoning and the majority of code-related rules are made at the local level. If there are state-level rules that apply to you, these local offices should be able to tell you and refer to you the right resources to find out more. Therefore, there’s usually not a need to directly reach out to anyone at the state level, or national level for that matter.

We often get asked about states that allow shipping containers, but as you can tell from this discussion, the state doesn’t have as much to do with the building regulations.  Most of the decisions that are relevant to you are made at the city and county levels.

If you’re located outside the United States, this may not necessarily be the case.  But regardless, we recommend starting at the lowest level of government and enquiring there.  If they aren’t the entity with jurisdiction, they should be able to refer you to the next level up that is, and so on.

How to Talk about your Container Home with Regulators

As we’ve previously mentioned, it’s very rare for a regulator to just outright ban shipping containers as a building medium.  It’s really not logical to do so, because the category of ‘container home’ is so vast. 

There are people who have built container homes with interior walls and exterior cladding that make it basically impossible to know there are containers underneath, for instance.  Sometimes what is being ‘banned’ is homes below a certain size, or homes with a corrugated metal exterior, etc. as we talked about in the section above.  We make this point to say that the devil is in the details, and it’s important to understand where exactly the issue lies.

When someone asks “Are shipping containers homes legal in my state”, they would be much better served asking a similar question to the local regulators who are the ones who will actually be making the decision.  But how you approach this conversation can be crucial for your eventual success.

In a lot of bureaucratic processes, such as property zoning and building permitting, there is a person or group of people who stand as gatekeepers.  Understanding a bit of psychology and human nature can help you as you navigate your way through these individuals.

Gatekeepers are human beings with their own set of emotions, and they operate based on incentives just like anyone else.  In most cases, a break from the status quo makes their job more difficult so they’d prefer to stick with what they know. 

In addition, they may take personal/professional risk in approving something controversial or out of the ordinary. It’s often easier to say “no” than to learn about how to help get you to “yes”.  Understanding this can help in your approach.

Also remember that the gatekeeper has a boss, and their boss also has a boss.  Going to the bosses shouldn’t be your first move, but keep it in mind if you hit an immovable roadblock with the gatekeeper.

Also, keep in mind that hearing a “no” now doesn’t have to be a “no” tomorrow.  Situations change, so even if you get a little pushback, some persistence and innovative thinking can take you far as some of our Project case studies have shown.

In general, preparation is your friend.  Show up for meetings prepared and confident with supplemental information that shows you did your homework. This will help give people that are “on the fence” the security that you know what you’re doing and won’t build something that they’ll regret approving.

Unless you have a lot of experience with real estate development and building construction, it may help to have a professional (like an architect or construction contractor) help you with getting the necessary approvals.  They can develop professional materials, know how to implement building codes in your area, and may even have personal relationships with gatekeepers that can help smooth the path forward.

As you can see, sometimes navigating the environment is just as important as operating within the rules themselves. Knowing who to talk to can help you avoid a huge headache in the future.

Next Steps

We know that we have presented you with a lot of information in the above sections. From the types of structures that may be affected to the various levels of government that may enact rules, restrictions, and regulations on your property. It can definitely get overwhelming, and you might be wondering just what to do with all this information.

If you take one thing from this article, it is that you need to personalize your approach to your own circumstances. From your building plans to your location, to any other relevant factors about your build, the best piece of practical advice we can give is to talk to someone in the know.

We suggest you take the information in this article as a general outline of how the system tends to work. Be sure to be prepared, to ask questions, and to be respectful when you interact with officials. It’s the polite thing to do and it will only help your cause.

So much of dealing with local authorities is being personable. If you can develop a good relationship with the people in charge, they will be much more willing to help you as you jump through the hoops of becoming a permit holder and getting approved for your container home build.

Best Locations in the United States for Container Homes

Now that we’ve covered some of the various building regulations, let’s look at a few popular places in the U.S. to build a shipping container home (in no particular order, below). This is by no means a list of the ONLY places you can build container homes, but rather, just a few places to highlight where others have had success.


Texas is a fantastic location to build a shipping container home. The state has worked out well for plenty of people already, with numerous shipping container homes already built here, both large and small.

Texas is also known for having a more relaxed regulatory environment in general, which also pertains to building regulations. However, as in any state, regulations are generally most strict in large cities, so look to more suburban and rural areas for an easier path to approval.

Read more about Texas Container Homes


Next on our list is The Golden State, California. California is notorious for strict land use, so it might surprise some of you that it makes the list.

While strict in some ways, California also prides itself on its progressivism and there are plenty of unique homes in California to confirm this.

There have been numerous successful shipping container home builds already, and we’ve interviewed several owners who have successfully blazed that trail. If you’re considering California, focus areas to the north or well inland from the coast, as land tends to be more reasonably priced there and ordinances are less strict.

Read more about California Container Homes


Third on our list is Tennessee, generally considered a great all-rounder. On the Freedom in the 50 States report, Tennesee is ranked 16th for land freedom meaning there isn’t too much local interference and regulation preventing you from building.

Additionally, it is also a great place for people looking for off-grid living. Most plots of land will have access to water and the farming season tends to average more than 250 days a year. Unlike other areas in the south, Tennessee also experiences all four seasons.

As for price, anywhere near the Blue Ridge Mountains can be expensive, so look for land in West Tennessee if you’re looking for affordability.

Read more about Tennessee Container Homes


According to research by the Cato Institute, Louisiana ranks #13 for land freedom in the US.

They calculated this using, among other measures, the Wharton Residential Land Use Regulatory Index. This statistical study is a measure of the local land use regulatory climate (i.e. how much local regulation there is on what you can build on your own land).

It turns out Louisiana has very light zoning regulations which could be why we have already seen multiple shipping container homes built there. Louisiana is renowned for its small local government and hands-off approach.

Read more about Louisiana Container Homes


At number five on our list is Missouri.

Those that live in Missouri fondly refer to it as one of the best-kept secret states – with warm summers and mild winters, it has plenty to offer!

In terms of land, the prices are very reasonable and the “local zoning is quite loose”. If you want land with access to rivers and forests, it would be a great pick for you.

Several container homes have been built in Missouri already, proving the state’s acceptance of innovative housing. Generally speaking, most rural areas don’t require building permits, which makes it a perfect location for building a shipping container home.

Read more about Missouri Container Homes


Next on our list is the Beaver State, Oregon. While Oregon is known for stricter builder regulations than most other states, it is also well known amongst the off-grid community for being very progressive with regards to alternative construction.

The state’s reputation for ‘live and let live’ is reflected in their acceptance of off-grid communities. Consider Oregon if you’d like to live near the west coast, but appreciate a slightly different cultural feel than California.

Read more about Oregon Container Homes


We hope this information has been helpful as you start to think about a shipping container home. As you have seen, the rules vary quite a bit from place to place, so the best place to find out what applies to you is actually asking the entity with jurisdiction.

How you approach the conversation can be crucial, so showing up prepared will help move you forward in the process.  Remember, even if the rules are completely objective (and oftentimes, they aren’t), there is always some leeway in how they are interpreted. 

That little bit of ‘give and take’ will come down to a human relationship. Having a thorough understanding of shipping containers will help you earn trust as you develop that relationship.

Remember too that if you’ve found land that you’re interested in purchasing, make sure to thoroughly research it before you decide to buy it. Is it in the city limits and does it have any strange zoning or restrictive covenants?

Take a look around the neighborhood and look to see if you notice any unorthodox or non-traditional buildings. If so, that’s usually a good sign that the local area is receptive to outside-the-box thinking and signals that the road ahead of you has already been blazed by someone else.

Let us know in the comments below where you have built or are thinking about building your shipping container home!

Contact us to discuss your requirements of Expandable Container House Manufacturers. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.