Customer Questions & Answers

29 Apr.,2024 Customer Questions & Answers

Are they at all rigid, or just floppy? I need something that I can slide under something, so it needs to be at least slightly rigid

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Placemat Prerogatives | Why Use Placemats | Mummy's ...

Placemat prerogatives!  

My daughter Alexandra, who lives in England, adores entertaining and hosting dinner parties. Her lovely dining room table is always dressed for a party with a white damask or linen tablecloth, a timeless traditional choice. 

However, during months of lockdown with four children (including a set of four-year-old twins!), three meals a day take place in the kitchen on the lengthy wooden antique refectory table, sans a white damask tablecloth, avec placemats! She posed several questions to me about placemats, because now she only has contempt for them! In her words, “It is just one more thing to clean after endless meals... why do we even need them!?” 

Tablecloths have been adorning dining tables for ages, and are thought to have come to Europe in the first century A.D. Their Lilliputian cousin, the placemat, is a neoteric invention! In the twentieth century, bright colors and patterns began to emerge as “placemats” instead of a tablecloth. Much easier to clean and less expensive! Placemats began to be used for both informal and formal occasions, depending on the fabric.

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Why use placemats? 

To protect the table from scratches when plates are moving around, and from heated plates. I also think they add a liveliness to the table!

Do they need to match the plates, napkins, and walls? 

Placemats add a decorative aspect to the table.  The color of the room, along with decorative details such as the porcelain plates, napkins, centerpiece or floral arrangement, should all be taken into consideration when choosing a placemat to adorn your table.  

How long does the placemat stay on the table? 

Placemats stay on the table for the entire meal, unlike the use of a charger, which is removed before the main course, or before dessert is served.

What size placemat is best to use? 

Linen placemats are approximately 12” x 18”. If you are going to use placemats, I think that a table has a glorious appeal with more of the handsome, polished wood showing. Hence, I collect smaller placemats! The silver and crystal have a certain sparkle when set on the wood, especially when enhanced with candlelight.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website felt placemats manufacturer.