Not enough room for corner bead?

06 May.,2024


Not enough room for corner bead?

Not enough room for corner bead?

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Hello, I'm drywalling in a room in an old house, and this corner situation is a bit weird. It's an inside corner with an outside corner right next to it, with only about 3/4 inch between them. I'm sure I can make do with the inside corner part of it. But it seems like all of the corner beads I've found at the store are at least an inch wide, so I can't stick this in there. What would you guys do about the outside corner here?

Before someone mentions these, I can't shim it to make the two parts match up flush because it will get in the way of a door opening, and I don't want to do some sort of angle beacuse it won't match straight with the tiling I'm going to be doing.


For more information, please visit Wusheng Hardware.


For more information, please visit L Corner Bead.